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Girl with Bookshelves

Unit 1 A - Stella Luna

I can write a complete sentence. 

I can identify story elements. 

I can write using details from the story. 

I can illustrate two events in the order in which they occurred in the story. 

I can write a narrative about friendship. 

Unit 1 B - Time to Sleep

I can acknowledge the importance of informational texts and their different features. 

I can use informational texts and their features to help determine main topics. 

I can use facts from informational texts to write and answer questions. 

Unit 2 A - A Fine, Fine School & The Recess Queen

I can state my opinion. 

I can support my opinion with reasons. 

I can use key details. 

I can identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 

Unit 2 B - Far From Home & Going to School

I can name the topic of my writing. 

I can supply facts about the topic. 

I can draw a picture that tells about the topic. 

I can provide a sense of closure. 

* Will be updated as county releases further information


Unit 1

I can count to 120 starting at any number less than 120. 

I can read and write numerals representing  a number of objects. 

I can organize, represent, and interpret data with 3 categories. 

I can create and interpret picture graphs, charts, and tables. 

Unit 2

I can identify dimes and understand that ten pennies are equivalent to one dime. 

I can count money up to 100 cents and write the amount using the cent symbol. 

I can use skip counting to count money and understand the currency system. 

I can read and write number words. 

Unit 3

I can use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems. 

I can solve word problems that call for addition of three numbers (whose sum is less than or equal to 20). 

I can apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. 

I understand subtraction as an unknown addend problem. 

I can relate counting to addition and subtraction. 

I can add and subtract within 20. 

I understand the meaning of the equal sign and can determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. 

I can determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equations relating to three whole numbers. 

Unit 4

I can order 3 objects by length, and compare the length of 2 objects. 

I can express the length of an object as a whole number of units by laying copies of a shorter object from end to end. 

I can tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. 

Unit 5

I understand two digits in 2 digit numbers represent tens and ones. 

I know 10 is a bundle of 10 ones. I know 11-19 are a ten and some ones. I know 10, 20, 30, etc.. mean number of tens and zero ones. 

I can compare two 2 digit numbers with symbols >, =, <. 

I can add within 100, including adding two digit numbers  and a multiple of ten using models or drawings and strategies. 

I can mentally find 10 more or less of a given number, and explain my reasoning. 

I can subtract multiples of 10 in the range of 10-90 from other multiples in the same range using models or drawings and strategies. 

Unit 6

I can distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes. 

I can draw shapes to possess defining attributes. 

I can compose 2-dimensional shapes or 3-dimensional shapes to create composite shapes and compose new shapes from the composite shapes.

I can partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares. 

I can describe the shares using words like halves, fourths, and quarters.

I can use phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. 

I I can describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. 

I can understand that partitioning into more equal shares creates small shares. 


Social Studies

Unit 1 - Our Earth, Our Home

I can recognize my city, county, state, nation, and continent on a map or globe. 

I can recognize major topographical features of the Earth's surface. 

I can use a compass rose to identify cardinal directions. 

I can use intermediate directions. 

I can compare similarities and differences. 

Unit 2 - Thomas Jefferson

I can identify his major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast his everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how he was influenced by the American Colonies. 

I can describe his character traits. 

I can organize chronologically. 

I can identify main idea, details, sequence, cause and effect. 

I can identify and use primary and secondary sources. 

I can interpret timelines, carts, and tables. 

Unit 3 - Exploring

I can identify Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea's major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast their everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how they were influenced by the American Frontier. 

I can describe his character traits. 

I can locate the major oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean. 

Unit 4 - Personal Finance

I can identify goods and services. 

I can explain scarcity is when unlimited wants are greater than limited resources. 

I can describe how people are both producers and consumers. 

I can explain that people earn income by working and must make choices of how much to save and how much to spend. 

Unit 5 - George Washington Carver

I can identify his major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast his everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how he was influenced by the southern U.S. 

I can describe his character traits. 

Unit 6 - Benjamin Franklin

I can identify his major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast his everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how he was influenced by the American Colonies. 

I can describe his character traits. 

Unit 7 - Theodore Roosevelt

I can identify his major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast his everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how he was influenced by the national parks. 

I can describe his character traits. 

Unit 8 - Ruby Bridges

I can identify her major contributions. 

I can compare and contrast her everyday life then vs. present. 

I can describe how she was influenced by the southern U.S. 

I can describe her character traits. 


Ongoing Unit - Weather & Seasons

I can use words and pictures to describe weather. 

I can explain how weather impacts me and my community. 

I can explain ways to measure weather. 

I can record weather data. 

I can draw or act out how water appears in different forms of precipitation. 

I can illustrate the four seasons. 

I can build a simple weather instrument. 

I can get information from a thermometer, wind vane, or rain gauge. 

I can explain changes in weather. 

I can show and explain how weather affects my daily activities. 


Unit 1 - Basic Needs of Animals

I can explain why animals cant all live in the same place. 

I can explain how animals adapt to their environment. 

I can tell the characteristics of different animal groups. 


Unit 2 - Magnets

I can distinguish the difference between objects that magnets attract and repel. 

I can show what objects a magnet will attract. 

I can show what objects a magnet will repel. 

I can demonstrate how magnets attract objects through materials. 

I can explain why people use magnets. 


Unit 3 - Basic Needs of Plants

I can explain why plants and animals are important. 

I can show how plants and animals depend on each other to survive. 

I can investigate the water needs of different kinds of plants. 

Unit 4 - Light

I can explain how we get light. 

I can show how shadows are made. 

I can explain how light impacts my life. 

I can explain how the lack of light impacts my life. 

I can explain how the sun, fire, and a light bulb provide light. 

I can show how weather conditions affect shadows.


Unit 5 - Sound

I can explain how sound is produced. 

I can explain and demonstrate how sounds are different. 

I can explain and demonstrate how high and low pitch sounds are different. 

I can explain how soft and loud sounds are alike and different. 

I can demonstrate how the size of an instrument affects its pitch. 

I can explain why we have emergency sounds. 

I can identify the sources of emergency sounds. 


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